A properly prepared home makes all the difference in marketing your listing.

Getting the Best Results for your Photography & Videography

The best results for your photography & videography are achieved when the home is properly prepared for the shoot.

Here are our top suggestions that will help your clients prepare for the day of the shoot.

Exterior of the Home:

  • Clean up any clutter surrounding the exterior and store garbage and recycling bins in the garage or hide them around the side of the house.

  • Rake up leaves and sweep dirt and debris from patios and driveway spaces.

  • Remove any vehicles from the driveway or store them in the garage.

  • Spruce up the landscaping. Mow the lawn, plant new flowers, trim any overgrown bushes or trees, and add top soil to any garden beds.

  • Have exterior and interior windows cleaned.

  • Check exterior lighting for any bulbs that may be out. This is more important for twilight photography.

Interior of the Home:

  • De-clutter everywhere and store away personal items. You can store things in the garages or closets as we don’t photograph or take video footage there unless asked to.

  • Remove personal items from table tops, nightstands, dressers, countertops, etc…

  • Have clean and clear counter tops. A few kitchen appliances and a little decor is completely fine; the goal is to draw the viewers attention to the kitchen itself and not have them distracted by the items on the counter.

  • Sweep and/or vacuum floors.

  • Clean interior windows and fix up any broken blinds.

  • Store away kids toys from main living areas.

  • De-clutter furniture. Too much furniture in a room can make it difficult to properly photograph the room and can make it appear smaller. It can also take attention away from the room elements. This is often found in living spaces where there are too many chairs, couches, ottomans etc… crammed into one small space.

  • Replace any light bulbs that are out.
